Listen UP! reviews is a new initiative by ANJO to publish album & gig reviews that are written by musicians about their peers.
Listen UP! reviews doesn’t use the tired-old ‘five-star’ rating that compares artists with oranges but instead uses a ‘five highlights’ system that gives potential listeners an idea of what to expect should they choose to take a chance and experience brilliant new music that these artists have poured their heart and soul into creating.
At Listen UP! reviews we are all about focusing on the inherent value that each release contains and our writing focuses on uncovering the craftsmanship, intent and experiences of the music maker in a positive way.
“read as little as possible in the way of aesthetics and criticism - it will either be partisan views, fossilised and made meaningless in its lifeless rigidity, or it will be neat wordplay, where one opinion will triumph one day and the opposite the next.
Works of art are infinitely solitary and nothing is less likely to reach them than criticism.
Only Love can grasp them and hold them and do them justice”
Rainer Maria Rilke, ‘Letters to a young poet’
let us know electronically about your release by emailing the opening track and a press release to
unfortunately we can’t review everything…if we contact you to review your CD, we will purchase a copy and request further info including purchase links, album artwork, personnel & recording details and possibly some followup Q’s
Our CD reviewers are active practitioners of music and chosen for their expertise. Reviewers are paid an honorarium to review your CD and create a five highlights list
We don’t accept any gifts or gratuities as part of the process.
If we choose to review your release, we will purchase a copy.
Tim Bruer
Tim Bruer is a Sydney based jazz pianist and composer, and an academic lecturer at The Australian Institute of Music. He is also a reviewer for Loudmouth magazine.
David Theak
Senior Lecturer, Sydney Conservatorium
Artistic Director, ANJO
President, SIMA